Corporate Tax Manager

Personal Tax Jobs
Job Title:
Tax Jobs in Practice, International Tax Jobs, Tax Manager Jobs, Remote Working Tax Jobs
UK & Ireland Tax Jobs
Greater London Tax Jobs
London Tax Jobs
Salary Description:
To £78,000 + Benefits
Job Ref:

Corporate Tax Manager
To £78,000 + Benefits

This mid tier firm has continued to see impressive growth over the last 18 months, and the corporate tax team which deals with a huge variety of corporate and international tax issues, is very keen to recruit.

At manager level, you will have ownership of a very broad ranging portfolio of international groups, entrepreneurial UK headquartered companies looking to establish subsidiaries overseas and UK inbounds. You role will include compliance review to enable you to foster close links with your clients, and a whole range of advisory work.

The firm can bespoke a role either for a new manager or someone looking to consolidate or a more experienced manager looking to progress to senior manager at a fast pace. The promotion process is transparent with no unnecessary time serving or blockages.

Really interesting work, an expanding and friendly team and open ended promotion prospects.

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